Musical Theatre Network (MTN) and Mercury Musical Developments (MMD) are committed to a joint programme of action to implement, support and promote inclusivity, diversity and equal opportunities in relation to their staff, membership, all other stakeholders and throughout the new musical theatre sector. We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All staff, members and stakeholders of the organisations will be treated fairly and will not be discriminated against on the basis of age, disability, gender identity or reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation and socio-economic background.
MTN and MMD recognise that the promotion of inclusive practice (in thinking, communications and actions), and of equal opportunities in all their activities will benefit both organisations. The companies also recognise that pro-active encouragement of diversity within their memberships and activities will make a valuable contribution towards the development of the artform they support, pushing creative boundaries and ensuring that the greatest possible range of voices is reflected in the work created.
MTN and MMD value the Creative Case for Diversity as set out by Arts Council England.
MTN and MMD are committed to:
- – Promoting equality of opportunity for all persons, by making their memberships and their events accessible to every individual regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religious belief, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, socio-economic background or any other individual characteristic which may unfairly affect a person’s opportunities in life
- – Seeking to make appropriate adjustments to offer equity of opportunity within talent development selection processes and opportunities they co-ordinate
- – Ensuring that decisions on recruitment, promotion and training are made purely on the basis of aptitude and ability and are not subject to unlawful discrimination
- – Providing a work environment in which all employees are treated with respect and dignity and that is free of harassment
- – Providing equal pay in employment; all employees, regardless of biological sex or gender identity, should receive equal pay for like work and level of experience, work rated as equivalent or work of equal value and will endeavour to maintain a pay system that is transparent, free from bias and based on objective criteria.
- – Ensuring the language used in written and verbal communication follows best practice in inclusive communications
- – Amplifying under-represented voices that might not otherwise be heard within the wider musical theatre sector
- – Fulfilling all legal obligations under equality legislation and associated codes of practice
Breaches of the companies’ Equality and Diversity policy and associated policies may be treated as gross misconduct and could render the employee liable to summary dismissal.
If a third party, such as a member, displays behaviour that is not in accordance with this policy and legislation, towards a member of staff, board member or another third party at an MTN or MMD event, the relevant organisation may consider termination of membership.
Both MTN’s and MMD’s boards of directors together with their Executive Directors have responsibility for ensuring the effective implementation of this policy. The companies expect all staff and members to abide by the policy and to help create the environment of equality and inclusivity which is its objective.
In order to implement this policy, MTN and MMD will:
- – Communicate the policy publicly on their websites
- – Ensure both boards understand their responsibilities in relation to the Equality & Diversity policy
- – Incorporate equal opportunities notices into general communications practices (e.g. announcements, job advertisements etc).
- – Review this policy on an annual basis at board level
- – Seek to make adequate resources available to fulfil the objectives of the policy within available funds
If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please email us on to discuss.