Musical Theatre Network (MTN) is a strategic, sector development organisation focused on the professional development and staging of new UK musicals. We work in partnership with our members – a national network of venues, producers, colleges, theatre companies, directors, licensing houses, organisations and individuals developing or staging new musicals. MTN works to strengthen and diversify the new musical theatre sector nationwide, and so support development of the artform.
MTN was established in 2005 to advocate for new musical theatre in the UK. Since 2012 it has been funded within Arts Council England’s National Portfolio, as a consortium with Mercury Musical Developments (MMD). Together with MMD, we’ve developed several initiatives central to the UK’s new musical theatre sector, including the BEAM industry showcases, UK Musical Theatre Conferences and the Cameron Mackintosh Resident Composer scheme.
We believe new musicals should reflect the full diversity of the UK’s population and their tastes in music and theatre, and that a career in musical theatre should be accessible to anyone with the talent, commitment and persistence required (not just to those with socio-economic privilege).
Our Mission
Musical Theatre Network’s mission is to bring people and resources together to improve infrastructure and opportunities for new musical theatre in the UK.
MTN works with, and on behalf of, its members to:
Advocate for increased support of new British musical theatre – greater investment in terms of money and time, more productions and growing audiences.
Facilitate improved communication, more connections and closer collaboration within a diverse, UK-wide musical theatre community.
Encourage best practice in staging new musical theatre and nurturing the artform’s development.
Our Values
Our values are:
Innovation – we have a passion for work that takes a fresh look at the form
Diversity – we support work that amplifies voices from under-represented backgrounds, and diversifies approaches to musical theatre
Inclusivity – we encourage the removal of barriers to participation and engagement
Reach – our members, both individual and organisations, are drawn from all over the UK, and beyond.
Connectivity – we encourage connections across creative practice.
Partnership – we work in collaboration with a wide variety of organisations to achieve our goals.
Equal Opportunities
Musical Theatre Network is committed to being an Equal Opportunities employer and we encourage applications and enquiries from all sections of the community.
We recognise that diversity within our membership and activities will make a valuable contribution towards the development of the artform we support, pushing creative boundaries and ensuring that the greatest possible range of voices is reflected in the work created. We develop our programmes to meet the needs of all the communities we serve and take proactive steps to ensure that the opportunities we offer are accessible to every individual.